Once you make the decision to progress your training you are required to obtain a minimum EASA Class 2 Medical Certificate.
The medical certificate can only be provided by a certified CAA medical examiner.
A full list of Medical Examiners approved by the CAA can be obtained via the CAA website - http://www.caa.co.uk/medical/
A summary of the EASA Class 2 Medical Initial and Revalidation Examination is shown below -
Prior to applying for your EASA Class 2 Medical you will be required to register with the CAA’s administration system ‘Cellma’. We will advise you how to complete this registration when the time is right. You should be prepared to pay various fee’s to the CAA for registration and your medical, these costs are out of the control of the flying club.
Class 2 Initial
The initial examination includes a thorough exploration of your medical history, full physical clinical examination, vision tests, hearing test, urine test and ECG. If corrective lenses are worn EASA requires a copy of the vision prescription TO BE BROUGHT TO THE INITIAL MEDICAL.
Class 2 Revalidation
As per the initial assessment however a further ECG is only required at the first medical after you reach 40 years of age and not again until you reach age 50, the requirement for an ECG is 2 yearly thereafter – unless clinically indicated.
When attending your appointment with any medical examiner you should ensure you take with you:
Photo identification (e.g. passport or photo driving licence)
Last Medical Certificate (if Revalidation)
You will also be asked to pass a fresh specimen of urine during each examination to test for Protein, Blood and Sugar
Spectacles if worn. Contact lens wearers should attend wearing spectacles.
Medical Validities
Certificates can be revalidated up to 45 days before the expiry date of the current certificate keeping the existing expiry date as the start of the next validity period. See calculator link.
The CAA Medical Certificate validity table shown here : CAA validity table outlines that various medical requirements that must be met for each class of licence. This may be of particular interest if your time with us is only the beginning of a planned flying career.