We understand that individual financial circumstance may dictate the funds that you are able to put into your new hobby or in some cases intended career so we have detailed below some of the costs you can expect to encounter
To obtain your PPL licence you will be required to undertake the following elements of the course:
Ground Training and 9 different multiple choice exams
Dual Flying with an Instructor
Solo Flying Training
Flight Test
Radio Operators Course and Exam
Each element of the 5 core elements of the course attract additional associated costs. Whilst additional ground school tuition is optional, there is a separate cost associated with each exam, flight test and radio operators course. We will discuss each element of the course with you prior to you embarking on your flying career.

In terms of time in the aircraft, you must complete 45 hours of flight instruction on aircraft, 5 hours of which may have been completed in an approved flight simulator (an FSTD – flight simulation training device), including at least:
25 hours of dual flight instruction,
10 hours of supervised solo flight time, including at least 5 hours of solo cross country flight time with at least 1 cross country flight of at least 270 km (150 NM) that includes full stop landings at 2 aerodromes different from the departure aerodrome.
You will need to complete a skill test after you have completed all the flying requirements, for further information in relation to obtaining your Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Private Pilots Licence (PPL) please visit their website – www.caa.co.uk selecting General Aviation. The CAA provides an excellent resource for you to investigate if flying really is for you.
Whilst 45 hours flying is the minimum time required, you should consider that each person is different. 45 consistent hours (2 hours per week by example) may enable a student to qualify quicker than a student who spreads their lessons across a longer period of time (2 per month). We are not able to predict how many hours it may take for you to be confident to take your skills test, however experience tells us that you should realistically allow between 60 and 80 hours of training if you intend to spread your lessons over a longer period of time.
Early in your training you will need to obtain a medical certificate to fly, this certificate can only be provided by a certified CAA medical examiner. The associated costs of the medical examination may vary dependant on the medical practitioner you visit. We will provide you with details of CAA medical practitioners, however you will need to make contact direct to obtain your medical certificate. Costs generally range between £180 and £250 for your first medical, however dependant on your age and any known medical history this cost may vary. Once you obtain your medical certificate you will be required to ensure that certificate remains current throughout your flying hobby or career. More information relating to the medical test and standards can be found on the CAA website.
As we are a membership club, we charge an initial one off fee of £200.00 upon signing up for your course. Once the first 12 months of your membership expires, your membership will revert to an annual fee (Payable Pro Rata) to the renewable date. Our membership year runs January to December in each year. The membership fee enables us to maintain our club aircraft at Old Buckenham, it assists with our insurance costs and ensures the club remains sustainable. Whilst learning to fly has its expenses, owning and maintaining an aircraft is expensive unless the costs are shared. Something you may wish to consider once you have obtained your licence. In comparison membership fees’ and your on-going lesson fee’s include all landings at Old Buckenham, whereas some schools charge an additional £15.00 per landing after your first landing of the day. This can be quite expensive if you are practicing landing and you manage to land 4 times during your lesson.
Some would say only once you have your licence do you really learn how to fly! Whilst it will be a great achievement to obtain your licence, you need to consider that to really learn to fly, you will need access to an aircraft. We suggest you speak with members of the club or purchase flying magazines as they offer a great insight into the associated costs of hiring a club aircraft, purchasing a share in an aircraft or owning an aircraft outright. There is generally not one solution that fits all, however the club and the airfield are full of aviation enthusiasts who will be willing to provide guidance and assistance.